
Systeemsoftware is een softwareomgeving waarin bepaalde typen componenten en objecten in de vorm van artefacten kunnen worden geïnstalleerd.
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ArchiMate 2.1
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Uit ArchiMate:"System software is a specialization of a node that is used to model the software environment in which artifacts run. This can be, for example, an operating system, a JEE application server, a database system, a workflow engine, or COTS software such as ERP or CRM packages. Also, system software can be used to represent, for example, communication middleware. Usually, system software is combined with a device representing the hardware environment to form a general node.

System software can be assigned to a device. Artifacts can be assigned to (i.e., deployed on) system software. A node can contain system software.

The name of system software should preferably be a noun referring to the type of execution environment; e.g., 'JEE server'. System software may contain other system software; e.g., an operating system containing a database."

Deze pagina is het laatst bewerkt op 23 feb 2018 om 11:37.