
Een plateau is een relatief stabiele toestand van de architectuur die bestaat gedurende een beperkte tijdsduur.
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ArchiMate 2.1
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Uit ArchiMate:"An important premise in TOGAF is that the various architectures are described for different stages in time. In each of the Phases B, C, and D of the ADM, a Baseline Architecture and Target Architecture are created, describing the current situation and the desired future situation. In Phase E (Opportunities and Solutions), so-called Transition Architectures are defined, showing the enterprise at incremental states reflecting periods of transition between the Baseline and Target Architectures. Transition Architectures are used to allow for individual work packages and projects to be grouped into managed portfolios and programs, illustrating the business value at each stage. In order to support this, we introduce the plateau concept."

Deze pagina is het laatst bewerkt op 23 feb 2018 om 11:37.